At the end of a particularly challenging day (which may or may not have been this day, for the record)... I was in a FUNK - and as my good friend Peggy would say, I needed a HOLY SHiiiiiiiiiFT!
:) It's safe to say, I had completely lost my Kingdom Perspective!
But, then a client needed a boost, so I was able to post to her the following encouragement:
(start post)
"I've been thinking about your growth in this season....
Sometimes you find yourself looking in the mirror at the end of the day, pulling for yourself, and struggling to be your own cheerleader...
Don't be discouraged; be empowered!
Don't look at what isn't there yet; celebrate what IS taking shape. You can feel the feels like pressure!
Remember that resistance/discomfort doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong - sometimes it's just the evidence that something is happening!
A seed cannot sprout without resistance.....everything is NEW and different in the process of growth.
How else do we achieve a new shape, a maturity, a creative, successful future of our choosing.... it's proactive and healthy to push against things in an attempt to grow bigger and stretch beyond.
There is a time for a good "fit" but there is also a time for Newness and Growth.
A mother's pregnancy isn't easy - the birth isn't comfortable (for anyone involved!) There is a lot of resistance when something new is happening.
Anytime something brand new is born...there is pressure... and then CELEBRATION!
New things are not comfortable, but we all love something NEW!
Blessings to you this weekend.... as you continue to "grow"!"
(end post)
Yeah....what SHE said!
Thank you God for sending me the client who needed to hear what you were trying to tell ME!
You are SO faithful!
